Laity and the 4 Pillars Module
This Sunday, we will meet again at 10 a.m. at the Dominican House of Studies for the
inquirers’ class. Attached is the three-page module that we will be discussing
on the laity in the church and the four pillars of the Dominican Order.
After the inquirers’ meeting, we will attend the 11:15 a.m. Mass with the friars.
Then there will be a pot-luck lunch (bring a non-dessert to share, if you can,
or juice).
Shortly before 1 p.m, we will assemble for a business meeting to be followed by a
discussion, led by Steve Graves, on Matthew Chapter 10, which fits beautifully
into our morning discussion as it is the call to ministry of the Apostles.
If you have time, you may want to peruse Aquinas’ CATENA AUREA on Matthew Chapter 10, which has commentary from the Church fathers. See it online at:
After the chapter meeting, we will go to the chapel to chant Midday Prayer. Our
chaplain, Fr. John Baptist Ku, O.P., will be available for Confessions after
If you haven’t already told me, let me know if you can come or not.
Yours in Our Lady of Sorrows,
We have moved the inquirers’ class to St. Joseph’s Hall (where we have the
chapter meeting after Mass). The receptionist can direct you there.