CATHOLICS FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Saturday September 22 from 12PM to 2 PM

CATHOLICS FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, an unofficial group of Catholics lead by members of the Immaculate Conception Chapter of secular Dominicans (based at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington DC), will have its next Pray-In assembly this Saturday September 22 from 12PM to 2 PM in front of the HHS building (Dept. of Health and Human Services) 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC. (Metro: Federal Center SW – Blue/Orange lines).

Permit has been obtained. There will be no civil disobedience and no speaker. The whole idea is Pray-In rosaries in order to have the Obamacare Mandate overturned that obliges religious groups to pay for abhorrent procedures against their religious beliefs, and the conversion of all. This is principally a spiritual matter that needs to be fought with spiritual means.